Amend CSHB 25 by adding the following appropriately numbered 
section to the bill and renumbering the subsequent sections 
	SECTION ____.  Section 25.001(b), Education Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	(b)  The board of trustees of a school district or its 
designee shall admit into the public schools of the district free of 
tuition a person who is over five and younger than 21 years of age on 
the first day of September of the school year in which admission is 
sought if:
		(1)  the person and either parent of the person reside 
in the school district;
		(2)  the person does not reside in the school district 
but a parent of the person resides in the school district and that 
parent is a joint managing conservator or the sole managing 
conservator or possessory conservator of the person;
		(3)  the person and the person's guardian or other 
person having lawful control of the person under a court order 
reside within the school district;
		(4)  the person has established a separate residence 
under Subsection (d);  
		(5)  the person is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. 
Section 11302, regardless of the residence of the person, of either 
parent of the person, or of the person's guardian or other person 
having lawful control of the person;
		(6)  the person is a foreign exchange student placed 
with a host family that resides in the school district by a 
nationally recognized foreign exchange program, unless the school 
district has applied for and been granted a waiver by the 
commissioner under Subsection (e);
		(7)  the person resides at a residential facility 
located in the district; [or]
		(8)  the person resides in the school district and is 18 
years of age or older or the person's disabilities of minority have 
been removed; or
		(9)  the person does not reside in the school district 
but the grandparent of the person:
			(A)  resides in the school district; and                              
			(B)  provides a substantial amount of 
after-school care for the person as determined by the board.