Amend HB 183 on third reading, as amended by FA No. 1 by Gonzales and FA No. 2 by Hegar, as follows: (1) On page 1, line 9, (House Committee Report) strike "eight" and substitute "six". (2) On page 1, line 19 (House Committee Report), strike "eight" and substitute "six". (3) On page 1, line 21 (House Committee Report), strike "57" and substitute "51". (4) On page 1, line 22 (House Committee Report), between "height" and "to", insert "or 80 pounds or more". (5) In Section 545.4121(b), Transportation Code, as added by FA No. 2 by Hegar, strike Section 545.4121(b) (2), Transportation Code, and substitute "(2) who is six years of age or younger or who is less than 51 inches in height and less than 80 pounds."