Amend CSHB 617 by inserting the following appropriately 
numbered SECTIONS and renumbering the subsequent SECTIONS of the 
bill appropriately:
	(1)  SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 840, Government Code, 
is amended by adding Section 840.1027 to read as follows:
	Sec. 840.1027.  CONTRIBUTIONS AFTER ATTAINING RULE OF 70.               

(a)  Notwithstanding Section 840.102(h), a judicial officer who is 
a member of the retirement system and who has served at least 12 
years on an appellate court and the sum of the member's age and 
amount of service credited in the retirement system equals or 
exceeds the number 70 may elect to make contributions for each 
subsequent year of service credit that the member accrues by filing 
an application with the retirement system.
	(b)  A member who elects to make contributions under 
Subsection (a) shall contribute six percent of the member's state 
compensation for each payroll period in the manner provided by 
Sections 840.102(b)-(f).  Section 840.105 does not apply to a 
contribution under this section.
	(c)  A member may not make contributions under this section 
for more than 10 years of subsequent service credit that the member 
	(2)  SECTION 3.  Subchapter B, Chapter 839, Government Code, 
is amended by amending Subsection 839.102(a) and adding Subsection 
839.102(f) to read as follows:
	(a)  Except as provided by Subsections (b), [and] (c), and 
(f), the standard service retirement annuity is an amount equal to 
50 percent of the state salary being paid at the time the member 
retires to a judge of a court of the same classification as the last 
court to which the retiring member was elected or appointed.
	(f)  The service retirement annuity of a member qualifying 
for retirement under Section 839.101(a)(4) is the applicable state 
salary under Subsection (a) multiplied by a percentage amount that 
is the sum of 50 percent plus the product of two percent multiplied 
by the number of years of subsequent service credit the member 
accrues under Section 840.1027.  After including any increase under 
Subsection (b), the service retirement annuity under this 
subsection may not be an amount that is greater than 80 percent of 
the applicable salary under Subsection (a).