Amend CSHB 1006, in Section 26.046, Tax Code, as added by the 
Carter Casteel amendment to the bill, by striking Subsection (d) of 
that added section, and substituting the following:
	(d)  The effective tax rate and the rollback tax rate for a 
taxing unit calculated under any other provision of this chapter 
are increased by the rate that, if applied to current total value, 
would impose an amount of taxes equal to the amount the taxing unit 
is required to spend to comply with or implement an unfunded state 
mandate in the budget year for which the taxes will be imposed. If 
the taxing unit is a county or a municipality, in the formula for 
calculating the rollback tax rate under any other provision of this 
chapter, the governing body of the taxing unit may, at its option, 
substitute the sum of 1 plus the consumer price index percentage 
change, if any, not to exceed eight percent, for 1.05. For a county 
or municipality that elects to make the substitution in the 
calculation of its rollback tax rate as authorized by this 
subsection, notwithstanding Section 26.07(b) (2), Tax Code, a 
petition authorized by Section 26.07(a) of that code is valid only 
if it is signed by a number of registered voters of the county or 
municipality equal to at least 10 percent of the number of 
registered voters of the taxing unit according to the most recent 
official list of registered voters. Not later than July 1 of each 
year the state auditor shall determine the consumer price index 
percentage change and publish that change in the Texas Register. In 
this subsection:
		(1)  "consumer price index" means the consumer price 
index, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United 
States Department of Labor, that measures the average changes in 
prices of goods and services purchased by urban wage earners and 
clerical workers' families and single workers living alone (CPI-W: 
Seasonally Adjusted U.S. City Average --- All Items).
		(2)  "Consumer price index percentage change" means the 
percentage increase or decrease in the consumer price index for the 
most recent state fiscal year for which the information is 
available, from the consumer price index for the state fiscal year 
preceding that state fiscal year, as calculated by the state 