Amend HB 1535 on third reading by striking SECTION 5 of the 
bill (page 2, line 12 through page 3, line 3) and substituting the 
	SECTION 5. Section 203.052(a), Occupations Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	(a)  The midwifery board consists of nine members appointed 
as follows:      
		(1)  four [three] midwife members each of whom has at 
least three years' experience in the practice of midwifery [and not 
more than one of whom is a licensed health care professional];
		(2)  one certified nurse-midwife member;                                      
		(3)  one physician member who is certified by a national 
professional organization of physicians that certifies 
obstetricians and gynecologists;
		(4)  one physician member who is certified by a national 
professional organization of physicians that certifies family 
practitioners or pediatricians; and
		(5)  two [three] members who represent the public and 
who are not practicing or trained in a health care profession, one 
of whom is a parent with at least one child born with the assistance 
of a midwife.