Amend Amendment No. 1 as follows:                                            
	(1)  Strike SECTION 2 of the bill and substitute the 
	SECTION 2. Chapter 150, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 150.001. DEFINITION. In this chapter: (1) "Design [, "design] professional" means a [registered] licensed architect, [or] licensed professional engineer, or any firm in which such licensed professional practices including but not limited to a corporation, professional corporation, limited liability corporation, partnership, limited liability partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture, or an other business entity. (2) "Practice of architecture" has the meaning assigned by Section 1051.001, Occupations Code. Sec. 150.002. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT. (a) In any action or arbitration proceeding for damages [alleging professional negligence] arising out of the provision of professional services by a design professional, the plaintiff shall be required to file with the complaint an affidavit of a third-party [registered] licensed architect or licensed professional engineer competent to testify, holding the same professional license as, and practicing in the same area of practice as the defendant, which affidavit shall set forth specifically at least one negligent act, error, or omission claimed to exist and the factual basis for each such claim. The third-party professional engineer or [registered] licensed architect shall be licensed in this sate and actively engaged in the practice of architecture or engineering. (b) The contemporaneous filing requirement of Subsection (a) shall not apply to any case in which the period of limitation will expire within 10 days of the date of filing and, because of such time constraints, the plaintiff has alleged that an affidavit of a third-party [registered] licensed architect or professional engineer could not be prepared. In such cases, the plaintiff shall have 30 days after the filing of the complaint to supplement the pleadings with the affidavit. The trial court many, on motion, after hearing and for good cause, extend such time as it shall determine justice requires. (c) The defendant shall not be required to file an answer to the complaint and affidavit until 30 days after the filing of such affidavit. (d) The plaintiff's failure to file the affidavit in accordance with Subsection (a) or (b) [may] shall result in dismissal [with prejudice] of the complaint against the defendant. This dismissal may be with prejudice. (e) An order granting or denying a motion for dismissal is immediately appealable as an interlocutory order. (f) [(e)] This statute shall not be construed to extend any applicable period of limitation or repose. (g) This statute does not apply to any suit or action for the payment of fees arising out of the provision of professional services.