Amend the proposed floor substitute to CSHB 1890, as follows:                
	(1)  Strike page 1, lines 16-29 through page 2, lines 1-4 and 
substitute the following:
		(1)  five representatives of different insurers who are 
members of the Association [who shall be elected by members as 
provided in the plan of operation];
		(2)  two representatives of the general public, one of 
whom is a resident of a first tier coastal county and one of whom is 
a resident of a county other than a first tier coastal county 
[nominated by the office of public insurance counsel, who, as of the 
date of the appointment, reside in a catastrophe area and who are 
policyholders, as of the date of the appointment, of the 
Association]; and
		(3)  two insurance [local recording] agents licensed 
under this Code, one with a [demonstrated experience in the 
Association, and whose] principal office [offices], as of the date 
of the appointment, [are] located in a first tier coastal county and 
one with a principal office located in a county other than a first 
tier coastal county [catastrophe area].
	(2)  On page 2, strike lines 5-7 and substitute the following:                 
	(h)  Members of the board of directors of the Association 
serve three-year staggered terms, with the terms of three members 
expiring on the third Tuesday of March of each year.