Amend CSHB 1987 (House committee printing) as follows:                       
	(1) Add the following appropriately numbered sections to the 
bill and renumber the subsequent sections accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Section 7.156(c), Water Code, is amended to 
read as follows:  
	(c)  A person commits an offense if the person is an owner or 
operator of an underground [undeground] storage tank regulated 
under Chapter 26 into which any regulated substance is delivered 
[or physically delivers any regulated substance into an underground 
storage tank regulated under Chapter 26] unless the underground 
storage tank has been issued a valid, current underground storage 
tank registration and certificate of compliance under Section 
	SECTION ____.  Section 26.351(f), Water Code, is amended to 
read as follows: 
	(f)  The person performing corrective action under this 
section, if the release was reported to the commission on or before 
December 22, 1998, shall meet the following deadlines:
		(1)  a complete site assessment and risk assessment 
(including, but not limited to, risk-based criteria for 
establishing target concentrations), as determined by the 
executive director, must be received by the agency no later than 
September 1, 2002;
		(2)  a complete corrective action plan, as determined 
by the executive director and including, but not limited to, 
completion of pilot studies and recommendation of a cost-effective 
and technically appropriate remediation methodology, must be 
received by the agency no later than September 1, 2003.  The person 
may, in lieu of this requirement, submit by this same deadline a 
demonstration that a corrective action plan is not required for the 
site in question under commission rules.  Such demonstration must 
be to the executive director's satisfaction;
		(3)  for those sites found under Subdivision (2) to 
require a corrective action plan, that plan must be initiated and 
proceeding according to the requirements and deadlines in the 
approved plan no later than March 1, 2004;
		(4)  for sites which require either a corrective action 
plan or groundwater monitoring, a comprehensive and accurate annual 
status report concerning those activities must be submitted to the 
		(5)  for sites which require either a corrective action 
plan or groundwater monitoring, all deadlines set by the executive 
director concerning the corrective action plan or approved 
groundwater monitoring plan shall be met; and
		(6)  for sites that require either a corrective action 
plan or groundwater monitoring, have met all other deadlines under 
this subsection, and have submitted annual progress reports that 
demonstrate progress toward meeting closure requirements, a site 
closure request must be submitted to [requests for all sites where] 
the executive director [agreed in writing that no corrective action 
plan was required must be received by the agency] no later than 
September 1, 2007 [2005].  The request must be complete, as judged 
by the executive director.
	(2)  On page 2, line 20, strike "(r) and" and substitute 
"(d), (r), and".    
	(3)  On page 2, between lines 21 and 22, insert the 
	(d)  The commission may use the money in the petroleum 
storage tank remediation account to pay:
		(1)  necessary expenses associated with the 
administration of the petroleum storage tank remediation account 
and the groundwater protection cleanup program[, not to exceed an 
amount equal to: 11.8 percent of the gross receipts of that account 
for FY02/03; 16.40 percent of the gross receipts of that account for 
FY04/05; and 21.1 percent of the gross receipts of that account for 
		(2)  expenses associated with investigation, cleanup, 
or corrective action measures performed in response to a release or 
threatened release from a petroleum storage tank, whether those 
expenses are incurred by the commission or pursuant to a contract 
between a contractor and an eligible owner or operator as 
authorized by this subchapter; and
		(3)  subject to the conditions of Subsection (e) [of 
this section], expenses associated with investigation, cleanup, or 
corrective action measures performed in response to a release or 
threatened release of hydraulic fluid or spent oil from hydraulic 
lift systems or tanks located at a vehicle service and fueling 
facility and used as part of the operations of that facility.