Amend HB 2026 on third reading by adding the following 
appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering 
subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION __.  Subchapter D, Chapter 12, Parks and Wildlife 
Code, is amended by adding Section 12.308 to read as follows:
	Sec. 12.308.  CERTAIN COSTS RECOVERABLE.  (a)  The actual cost 
of investigation, reasonable attorney's fees, and reasonable 
expert witness fees incurred by the department in a civil suit under 
this subchapter may be recovered in addition to damages for the 
value of any fish, shellfish, reptile, amphibian, bird, or animal 
unlawfully killed, caught, taken, possessed, or injured.
	(b)  Any amounts recovered under this section shall be 
credited to the same operating accounts from which the expenditures 
	SECTION __.  Section 103.022, Government Code, is amended to 
read as follows:
	Sec.103.022. MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND COSTS.  The following 
fees and costs shall be paid or collected as follows:
		(1)  fee for use of an interpreter in civil cases (Sec. 
21.051, Civil Practice and Remedies Code) ... $3;
		(2)  fee for custodian of a record compelled by a court 
to produce or certify the record (Sec. 22.004, Civil Practice and 
Remedies Code) ... $1;
		(3)  cost for use of certified copy of the record of 
names of all trustees appointed by any state organization of a 
religious congregation in this state (Sec. 126.012, Civil Practice 
and Remedies Code) ... $1.50;
		(4)  filing of a restitution lien (Art. 42.22, Code of 
Criminal Procedure) ... $5;
		(5)  issuance and service of a warrant of arrest for 
certain offenses if prescribed by the municipality (Art. 45.203, 
Code of Criminal Procedure) ... not to exceed $25;
		(6)  filing a certified copy of a judicial finding of 
fact and conclusion of law if charged by the secretary of state 
(Sec. 51.905, Government Code) ... $15;
		(7)  costs of determining and sending information 
concerning the identity of the court with continuing, exclusive 
jurisdiction if charged by the bureau of vital statistics (Sec. 
108.006, Family Code) ... reasonable fee;
		(8)  initial operations fee paid to domestic relations 
office on filing of a suit affecting the parent-child relationship, 
if authorized by the administering entity (Sec. 203.005, Family 
Code) ... not to exceed $15;
		(9)  initial child support service fee paid to domestic 
relations office in certain counties on filing of a suit affecting 
the parent-child relationship, if authorized by the administering 
entity (Sec. 203.005, Family Code) ... not to exceed $36;
		(10)  service fee for services of a domestic relations 
office, if authorized by the administering entity (Sec. 203.005, 
Family Code) ... not to exceed $3 per month;
		(11)  fee from a Title IV-D agency for each item of 
process to each individual  on whom service is required, including 
service by certified or registered mail (Sec. 231.202, Family Code) 
... the amount that a sheriff or constable may charge for serving 
process under Section 118.131, Local Government Code;
		(12)  a copy of records of spousal or child support and 
fees administered in Dallas County if authorized by the local 
administrative judge (Sec. 152.0634, Human Resources Code) ... not 
to exceed $2 per page;
		(13)  collecting, disbursing, or monitoring spousal or 
child support payments in Dallas County (Sec. 152.0635, Human 
Resources Code) ... not to exceed $3 per month;
		(14)  fee for adoption, family, and home study 
investigations in an adoption in Dallas County (Sec. 152.0635, 
Human Resources Code) ... not to exceed $250;
		(15)  certain transactions with respect to a suit for 
spousal support or a suit affecting the parent-child relationship 
in Harris County, if authorized by the county commissioners court 
(Sec. 152.1074, Human Resources Code) ... not to exceed $2 per 
		(16)  child support service fee in Nueces County, if 
authorized by the county commissioners court (Sec. 152.1844, Human 
Resources Code) ... not to exceed $5 per month;
		(17)  services by the offices of the sheriff and 
constables (Sec. 118.131, Local Government Code) ... amount set by 
county commissioners court;
		(18)  cost paid by each surety posting the bail bond for 
an offense other than a misdemeanor punishable by fine only under 
Chapter 17, Code of Criminal Procedure, for the felony prosecutor 
supplement fund and the fair defense account (Sec. 41.258, 
Government Code) ... $15, provided the cost does not exceed $30 for 
all bail bonds posted at that time for an individual and the cost is 
not required on the posting of a personal or cash bond;
		(19)  appraiser's fee as court costs for determinging 
the fair value of ownership interests of owners who have perfected 
their rights (Sec. 10.365, Business Organizations Code) ... a 
reasonable fee; [and]
		(20)  to participate in a court procedding in this 
state, a nonresident attorney fee for civil legal services to the 
indigent (Sec. 82.0361, Government Code) ... $250 except as waived 
or reduced under supreme court rules for representing an indigent 
person; and
		(21)  costs of investigation, reasonable attorney's 
fees, and reasonable expert witness fees in a civil suit or a 
criminal prosecution for recovery of the value of any fish, 
shellfish, reptile, amphibian, bird, or animal (Sec. 12.308, Parks 
and Wildlife Code) ... actual costs.
	SECTION __.  The change in law made by this Act in amending 
Section 12.308, Parks and Wildlife Code, applies only to a civil 
suit under Subchapter D, Chapter 12, Parks and Wildlife Code, that 
commences on or after the effective date of this Act. A civil suit 
under Subchapter D, Chapter 12, Parks and Wildlife Code, that 
commences before the effective date of this Act is governed by the 
law in effect at the time the suit commenced, and that law is 
continued in effect for that purpose.