Amend HB 2030 as follows:                                                    

(1)  On page 1, strike lines 21-24.
	(2)  On page 2, line 1, strike "(d)" and substitute "(c)".       
	(3)  On page 2, strike lines 7-8 and substitute "exemption;".           
	(4)  On page 2, strike lines 14-24 and substitute the 
		(3)  at that time or during that period, the person 
identifies the address of a residence outside the territory as the 
person's residence address, or fails to identify the address of a 
residence inside the territory as the person's residence address if 
required to identify the person's residence address, on any of the 
			(A)  a tax return, application, notice, or other 
document related to taxes that the person files with or delivers to 
a governmental entity in accordance with law; or
			(B)  an application, report, or other document 
that the person submits in accordance with law or is required by law 
to submit to:
				(i)  a governmental entity for any purpose; 
				(ii)  a political party in connection with 
the person's status as a candidate for public office.