Amend CSHB 2233 as follows:                                                  
	SECTION ____.  Subsection (a), Section 15.407, Water Code, 
is amended to read as follows:
	(a)  In this section, "economically distressed area" and 
"political subdivision" have the meanings assigned by Section 
17.941 [16.341 of this code].
	SECTION ____.  Section 17.172, Water Code, is amended to 
read as follows:    
	Sec. 17.172.  APPLICABILITY.  This subchapter applies to 
financial assistance made available from the water supply account, 
the water quality enhancement account, the flood control account, 
[and] the economically distressed areas account, and the 
economically distressed areas program account under Subchapters D, 
F, G, [and] K, and K-1 of this chapter.
	SECTION 3.06.  Chapter 17, Water Code, is amended by adding 
Subchapter K-1 to read as follows:
Sec. 17.941. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Economically distressed area" means an area in this state in which: (A) water supply or sewer services are inadequate to meet minimal needs of residential users as defined by board rule; (B) financial resources are inadequate to provide water supply and sewer services that will satisfy those needs; and (C) an established residential subdivision was located on June 1, 2005, as determined by the board. (2) "Financial assistance" means the funds provided by the board to political subdivisions for water supply or sewer services under this subchapter. (3) "Political subdivision" means a county, a municipality, a nonprofit water supply corporation created and operating under Chapter 67, or a district or authority created under Section 52, Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution. (4) "Sewer services" and "sewer facilities" mean treatment works or individual, on-site, or cluster treatment systems such as septic tanks and include drainage facilities and other improvements for proper functioning of the sewer services and other facilities. Sec. 17.942. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. The economically distressed areas program account may be used by the board to provide financial assistance to political subdivisions for the construction, acquisition, or improvement of water supply and sewer services, including providing money from the account for the state's participation in federal programs that provide assistance to political subdivisions. Money from the proceeds of bonds issued under the authority of Sections 49-d-7(b) or 49-d-8, Article III, Texas Constitution, may not be used to provide financial assistance under this subchapter. Sec. 17.943. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. (a) A political subdivision may apply to the board for financial assistance under this subchapter by submitting an application together with a plan for providing water supply or sewer services to an economically distressed area. (b) The application and plan must include: (1) the name of the political subdivision and its principal officers; (2) a citation of the law under which the political subdivision operates and was created; (3) a description of the existing water supply and sewer facilities located in the area to be served by the proposed project and include with the description a statement prepared and certified by an engineer registered to practice in this state that the facilities do not meet minimum state standards; (4) information identifying the median household income for the area to be served by the proposed project; (5) a project plan prepared and certified by an engineer registered to practice in this state that: (A) describes the proposed planning, design, and construction activities necessary for providing water supply and sewer services that meet minimum state standards; and (B) identifies the households to whom the services will be provided; (6) a budget that estimates the total cost of providing water supply and sewer services to the economically distressed area and a proposed schedule and method for repayment of financial assistance consistent with board rules and guidelines; and (7) the total amount of assistance requested from the economically distressed areas program account. (c) A program of water conservation for the more effective use of water is required for approval of an application for financial assistance under this section in the same manner as such a program is required for approval of an application for financial assistance under Section 17.125. (d) Before considering the application, the board may require the applicant to: (1) participate with the board in reviewing the applicant's managerial, financial, or technical capabilities to operate the system for which assistance is being requested; (2) provide a written determination by the commission of the applicant's managerial, financial, and technical capabilities to operate the system for which assistance is being requested; (3) request that the comptroller perform a financial management review of the applicant's current operations and, if the comptroller is available to perform the review, provide the board with the results of the review; or (4) provide any other information required by the board or the executive administrator. Sec. 17.944. CONSIDERATIONS IN PASSING ON APPLICATION. (a) In passing on an application for financial assistance, the board shall consider: (1) the need of the economically distressed area to be served by the water supply or sewer services in relation to the need of other political subdivisions requiring financial assistance under this subchapter and the relative costs and benefits of all applications; (2) the availability of revenue or alternative financial assistance for the area served by the project, from all sources, for the payment of the cost of the proposed project; (3) the financing of the proposed water supply or sewer project, including consideration of: (A) the budget and repayment schedule submitted under Section 17.943(b)(6); (B) other items included in the application relating to financing; and (C) other financial information and data available to the board; and (4) the feasibility of achieving cost savings by providing a regional facility for water supply or wastewater service and the feasibility of financing the project by using money from the economically distressed areas program account or any other available financial assistance. (b) At the time an application for financial assistance is considered, the board also must find that the area to be served by a proposed project has a median household income of not more than 75 percent of the median state household income for the most recent year for which statistics are available. Sec. 17.945. APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF APPLICATION. After considering the matters described by Section 17.944, the board by resolution shall: (1) approve the plan and application as submitted; (2) approve the plan and application subject to the requirements identified by the board or commission for the applicant to obtain the managerial, financial, and technical capabilities to operate the system and any other requirements, including training under Subchapter M, the board considers appropriate; (3) deny the application and identify the requirements or remedial steps the applicant must complete before the applicant may be reconsidered for financial assistance; (4) if the board finds that the applicant will be unable to obtain the managerial, financial, or technical capabilities to build and operate a system, deny the application and issue a determination that a service provider other than the applicant is necessary or appropriate to undertake the proposed project; or (5) deny the application. Sec. 17.946. FINDINGS REGARDING PERMITS. (a) The board may not release money for the construction of that portion of a project that proposes surface water or groundwater development until the executive administrator makes a written finding: (1) that an applicant proposing surface water development has the necessary water right authorizing it to appropriate and use the water that the water supply project will provide; or (2) that an applicant proposing groundwater development has the right to use water that the water supply project will provide. (b) The board may release money for the costs of planning, engineering, architectural, legal, title, fiscal, or economic investigation, studies, surveys, or designs before making the finding required under Subsection (a) if the executive administrator determines that a reasonable expectation exists that the finding will be made before the release of funds for construction. (c) If an applicant includes a proposal for treatment works, the board may not deliver money for the treatment works until the applicant has received a permit for construction and operation of the treatment works and approval of the plans and specifications from the commission or unless such a permit is not required by the commission. Sec. 17.947. METHOD OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. (a) The board may provide financial assistance to political subdivisions under this subchapter by using money in the economically distressed areas program account to purchase political subdivision bonds. (b) The board may make financial assistance available to political subdivisions in any other manner that it considers feasible, including: (1) contracts or agreements with a political subdivision for acceptance of financial assistance that establish any repayment based on the political subdivision's ability to repay the assistance and that establish requirements for acceptance of the assistance; or (2) contracts or agreements for providing financial assistance in any federal or federally assisted project or program. Sec. 17.948. TERMS OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. (a) The board may use money in the economically distressed areas program account to provide financial assistance under this subchapter to a political subdivision to be repaid in the form, manner, and time provided by board rules and in the agreement between the board and the political subdivision, taking into consideration the information provided by Section 17.943. (b) In providing financial assistance to an applicant under this subchapter, the board may not provide to the applicant financial assistance for which repayment is not required in an amount that exceeds 50 percent of the total amount of the financial assistance plus interest on any amount that must be repaid, unless the Department of State Health Services issues a finding that a nuisance dangerous to the public health and safety exists resulting from water supply and sanitation problems in the area to be served by the proposed project. The board and the applicant shall provide to the Department of State Health Services information necessary to make a determination, and the board and the Department of State Health Services may enter into memoranda of understanding necessary to carry out this subsection. (c) The total amount of financial assistance provided by the board to political subdivisions under this subchapter from state-issued bonds for which repayment is not required may not exceed at any time 90 percent of the total principal amount of issued and unissued bonds authorized for purposes of this subchapter. (d) In determining the amount and form of financial assistance and the amount and form of repayment, if any, the board shall consider: (1) rates, fees, and charges that the average customer to be served by the project will be able to pay based on a comparison of what other families of similar income who are similarly situated pay for comparable services; (2) sources of funding available to the political subdivision from federal and private money and from other state money; (3) any local money of the political subdivision to be served by the project if the economically distressed area to be served by the board's financial assistance is within the boundary of the political subdivision; and (4) the just, fair, and reasonable charges for water and wastewater service as provided by this code. (e) In making its determination under Subsection (d)(1), the board may consider any study, survey, data, criteria, or standard developed or prepared by any federal, state, or local agency, private foundation, banking or financial institution, or other reliable source of statistical or financial data or information. SECTION ____. Subsection (c), Section 17.958, Water Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) Money on deposit in the economically distressed areas program account may be used by the board for purposes provided by Subchapter K or K-1 in the manner that the board determines necessary for the administration of the fund. SECTION ____. Subsection (i), Section 15.407, and Subsection (b), Section 15.974, Water Code, are repealed.