Amend CSHB 2266 on page 1 as follows:                                        
	(1)  On line 12, between "a" and "sales" insert "maximum".
	(2)  On line 13, between "lot" and the period insert:                   
	"unless, following an independent feasibility study, the 
municipality determines that the requirement has no overall 
detrimental effect on the economic viability of residential 
subdivisions or apartment developments the requirement affects".
	(3)  Between lines 17 and 18 insert a new Subsection (c) to 
read as follows: 
	(c)  This section does not apply to a requirement adopted by a 
		1)  for an area as a part of a development agreement 
entered into before September 1, 2005, or
		(2)  under the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 373A 
Local Government Code, for a Homestead Preservation District.
	(4)  Strike SECTION 2 of the bill and renumber the remaining 
sections as appropriate.