Amend CSHB 2304 as follows:                                                  
	(1)  On page 4, line 10, strike "and 1702.287" and substitute 
", 1702.287, and 1702.288".
	(2)  On page 5, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:                 
ALARM SYSTEM SERVICES.  (a)  The board shall adopt rules in 
accordance with this section that require a license holder acting 
as an alarm systems company under this chapter to inform each of the 
license holder's clients that the client is entitled to receive a 
written contract for alarm system services that contains the 
client's fee arrangement and other relevant information about 
services to be rendered.
	(b)  The rules shall require that a written contract for alarm 
system services shall be furnished to a client in accordance with 
Subsection (a) not later than the seventh day after the date the 
client requests the written contract.
	(c)  The rules shall require that the written contract for 
services shall be dated and signed by the owner or manager of an 
alarm systems company or a person expressly authorized by the owner 
or manager to sign written contracts on behalf of the company.
	(d)  The rules shall require that, not later than the seventh 
day after the date of entering into a contract for services 
regulated by the board with another alarm system company or alarm 
systems monitor, an alarm system company shall:
		(1)  notify the recipient of those services of the name, 
address, and telephone number, and individual to contact at the 
company that purchased the contract;
		(2)  notify the recipient of services at the time the 
contract is negotiated that another licensed company may provide 
any of the services requested by sub-contracting or outsourcing 
those services; and
		(3)  if any of the services are sub-contracted or 
outsourced to a licensed third party, notify the recipient of 
services, by mail, of the name, address, phone number and license 
number of the company providing those services.
	(e)  The rules shall require that notice provided to a 
recipient of services under Subsection (d) shall be:
		(1)  mailed to the recipient in a written form that 
emphasizes the required information; and
		(2)  include stickers or other materials to be affixed 
to an alarm system indicating the alarm systems company's or alarm 
systems monitor's new telephone number.