Amend HB 2491 adding the following SECTIONS, appropriately 
numbered, and renumbering the subsequent SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Subdivision (3), Section 23.51, Tax Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
		(3)  "Category" means the value classification of land 
considering the agricultural use to which the land is principally 
devoted.  The chief appraiser shall determine the categories into 
which land in the appraisal district is classified.  In classifying 
land according to categories, the chief appraiser shall distinguish 
between [Categories of land may include but are not limited to] 
irrigated cropland, dry cropland, improved pasture, native 
pasture, orchard, and waste.  The chief appraiser may establish 
additional categories.  The chief appraiser shall [and may be] 
further divide each category [divided] according to soil type, soil 
capability, irrigation, general topography, geographical factors, 
and other factors that [which] influence the productive capacity of 
the category.  The chief appraiser shall obtain information from 
the Texas Agricultural [Agriculture] Extension Service, the 
Natural Resources [Soil] Conservation Service of the United States 
Department of Agriculture, and other recognized agricultural 
sources for the purposes of determining the categories of land 
[production] existing in the appraisal district.