Amend HB 2572 (House engrossment) as follows:                                
	(1)  Strike SECTION 7 and SECTION 8 of the bill (page 10, line 
23, through page 14, line 4).
	(2)  Add the following SECTIONS to the bill, appropriately 
numbered, and renumber subsequent SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION __.  Subchapter B, Chapter 533, Health and Safety 
Code, is amended by adding Section 533.0357 to read as follows:
(a) The department shall encourage local authorities to develop 
partnerships and greater coordination of services to persons who 
have a physical illness as well as mental illness or chemical 
	(b)  At the request of a local authority, the department 
shall approve a request for the development of an integrated 
physical health and behavioral health service delivery model that 
is developed in partnership with a public hospital, county health 
department, or other governmental entity and that furthers the 
following goals:
		(1)  establishing a health care services delivery 
system that integrates primary health care services and behavioral 
health care services delivery;
		(2)  involving consumers, families, and stakeholders 
fully in the development of a system that is oriented toward 
resiliency and recovery;
		(3)  protecting and enhancing the rights of people with 
mental illness or substance abuse problems;
		(4)  enhancing the implementation of the resiliency and 
disease management model for mental health services; and
		(5)  screening for co-occurring physical, mental, and 
substance abuse disorders and treating persons with integrated 
treatment strategies.
	(c)  A public hospital, county health department, or other 
governmental entity acting under a contract with the Department of 
State Health Services under this section may provide primary health 
care services and behavioral health care services as necessary to 
enhance the integration of physical and behavioral health care 
services delivery in the separate service delivery area.
	(d)  A contract developed under this section must be a 
performance-based contract that provides flexibility in the design 
of the behavioral health care services delivery system while 
assuring that the local authority will achieve improved performance 
	SECTION __.  Subchapter B, Chapter 533, Health and Safety 
Code, is amended by adding Section 533.0405 to read as follows:
CHILDREN AND YOUTH.  (a)  The department shall ensure that local 
authorities design systems of care resources for children with 
serious emotional disturbances that recognize:
		(1)  the unique needs of those children;                               
		(2)  the various programs in this state through which a 
child may be directed to the authority for services; and
		(3)  the various programs available to the child, the 
child's family, and the authority through which the child and the 
child's family may receive behavioral health services or other 
	(b)  A local authority shall develop formal partnerships and 
coordinate with entities to ensure that a child with a serious 
emotional disturbance receives the most appropriate and effective 
care and services, to the extent possible.
	(c)  As appropriate, the authority shall use teams composed 
of representatives of public and private service providers and 
members of the child's family to develop individual and family 
service plans that encompass, to the extent possible, appropriate 
services and direct interagency and provider cooperation as 
necessary to further the plans.
	(d)  This section does not affect a requirement of state or 
federal law for informed parental consent before a child receives 
or is assessed or is screened for health or mental health services.
	SECTION __.  (a)  The legislature shall establish a joint 
interim committee to study the local mental health and mental 
retardation services delivery system and to develop 
recommendations for improving the provision of services and 
increasing the accountability for funds management in the system.
	(b)  The committee should consider whether the current local 
system meets the following goals:
		(1)  improving the integration of services to persons 
who have physical illness as well as mental illness or chemical 
dependency and developing a continuum of services to all persons 
who are aging or who have physical or cognitive disabilities; and
		(2)  allowing the appropriate level of flexibility 
needed to meet unique community needs, while addressing state 
requirements and ensuring an appropriate level of budget certainty 
for the state.
	(c)  In developing recommendations for the improvement of 
services delivery the committee should consider:
		(1)  the role of a community center and whether a 
community center should be designated as a provider of public 
safety net services for jail diversion services, crisis services, 
certain community-oriented services, community hospital services, 
or other services necessary to ensure the statewide availability of 
services; and 
		(2)  the findings and recommendations of the mental 
health services task force as reported to the Senate Health and 
Human Services interim committee of the 77th Legislature in March 
2002 and the House Bill 1734 committee report from the 75th 
Legislature, Regular Session, 1997.
	(d)  Not later than January 1, 2007, the committee shall 
report its findings and recommendations to the governor, the 
lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of 
	(e)  The lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of 
representatives shall determine the composition of the committee.  
The committee must be composed of five members of the senate and 
five members of the house of representatives.  The presiding 
officer of the committee must be a member designated from the 
	(f)  This section expires September 1, 2007.