Amend HB 2572 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                        
	(1)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, in amended Section 533.035(a), 
Health and Safety Code (page 3, line 43) between "2005" and "." 
insert the following:

, except on:                                                           
		(1)  a request from two or more local authorities; or                  
		(2)  a determination by the executive commissioner that 
a local authority has substantially failed to meet the terms and 
conditions of the performance contract
	(2)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, in added Section 533.035(b-1), 
Health and Safety Code (page 3, line 44) between "2007" and "." 
insert ", and does not apply to rate setting or the payment rates 
for intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded, home 
and community-based services, Texas home living, and mental 
retardation service coordination".