Amend CSHB 2702 by adding the following appropriately 
numbered SECTION and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill 
	SECTION __.  Subchapter A, Chapter 227, Transportation Code, 
is amended by adding Section 227.004 to read as follows:
	Sec. 227.004.  REPORTS.  (a)  The department shall 
periodically prepare reports detailing:
		(1)  the reasons for the immediate and future needs for 
each mode of transportation in each segment of a Trans-Texas 
Corridor project; and
		(2)  the reasonableness and necessity for each mode of 
transportation in each segment of a Trans-Texas Corridor project in 
the report.
	(b)  Not later than the seventh day before the date the 
department submits a Tier 1 environmental impact statement and not 
later than the 90th day before the department submits a Tier 2 
environmental impact statement to the federal government for any 
segment of a Trans-Texas Corridor route, the department shall:
		(1)  post the most recent applicable report required by 
Subsection (a) on the department's Internet website; and
		(2)  provide a copy of the report to each state senator 
or representative who represents all or part of the area in which 
the segment of the route is located and the commissioners court of 
each county in which the segment of the route is located.