Amend CSHB 2702 as follows:                                                  
	(1)  In SECTION 2.14 of the bill, in added Section 
223.201(a), Transportation Code (committee printing page 11, line 
55), strike the semicolon and substitute "state highway.".
	(2)  In SECTION 2.14 of the bill, in added Section 
223.201(a), Transportation Code, on page 11, strike lines 56-63.
	(3)  In SECTION 2.14 of the bill, in added Section 
223.206(a), Transportation Code (committee printing page 14, line 
59) strike "or another facility described in Section 223.201(a)".
	(4)  In SECTION 2.14 of the bill, in added Section 
223.206(b), Transportation Code (committee printing page 14, line 
69), strike "or other facilities are" and substitute "is".
	(5)  In SECTION 2.14 of the bill, in added Section 
223.206(c), Transportation Code (committee printing page 15, line 
5), strike "or other facility".
	(6)  In SECTION 2.14 of the bill, in added Section 
223.206(c), Transportation Code (committee printing page 15, line 
7), strike "or other facility".
	(7)  In SECTION 2.14 of the bill, in added Section 223.207, 
Transportation Code (committee printing page 15, line 16), strike 
"or other facility".