Amend CSHB 2702 as follows:                                                  
	(1)  In SECTION 2.55 of the bill (committee printing page 40, 
lines 36 and 37), strike "(o) and (p)" and substitute "(o), (p), and 
	(2)  In SECTION 2.55 of the bill (committee printing page 40, 
between lines 48 and 49), insert the following new Section 
370.033(p), Transportation Code:
	"(p)  Prior to providing public transportation or mass 
transit services in the service area of any other existing transit 
provider, including a transit provider operating under Chapter 458, 
an authority must first consult with that transit provider.  An 
authority shall ensure there is coordination of services provided 
by the authority and an existing transit provider, including a 
transit provider operating under Chapter 458.  An authority is 
ineligible to participate in the formula or discretionary program 
provided by Chapter 456 unless there is no other transit provider, 
including a transit provider operating under Chapter 458, providing 
public transportation or mass transit services in the service area 
of the authority.".
	(3)  In SECTION 2.55 of the bill (committee printing page 40, 
line 49), strike "(p)" and substitute "(q)".