Amend CSHB 2702 (committee printing) by adding an 
appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill to read as follows:
	SECTION __.  (a)  In order to ensure the safety of persons 
and transportation in this state, the Texas Department of 
Transportation shall conduct a study of systems for issuing 
temporary tags for use on unregistered motor vehicles.  In studying 
the systems, the department shall:
		(1)  compare the current system to other potential 
systems, including systems used in other states;
		(2)  seek input from interested parties, including 
members of the public, dealers, converters, and law enforcement; 
		(3)  consider issues of public and transportation 
safety, homeland security, costs, efficiency, and reliability.
	(b)  The department shall report its findings and 
recommendations to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of 
the House of Representatives not later than November 1, 2006.