Amend CSHB 2833 (First Printing) by inserting the following 
appropriately-numbered SECTION and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS 
	"SECTION___.  Section 2007.024, Government Code is amended by 
amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (b-1) to read as 
	(b)  The judgment or final decision or order shall include a 
fact finding that determines, in accordance with Subsection (b-1), 
the monetary damages suffered by the private real property owner as 
a result of the taking. The amount of damages is determined from the 
date of the taking.
	(b-1) If, on the date of the taking, the private real property 
is designated for and appraised at agricultural use under Chapter 
23, Tax Code, the fact finding must deduct from the monetary damages 
suffered by the private real property owner as a result of the 
taking an amount equal to the difference of:
		(1)  the amount of taxes the owner paid based on the 
agricultural use appraisal of the private real property; and
		(2)  the amount of taxes the owner would have paid if the 
private real property has been appraised at its current market 
	The fact finding shall perform this calculation separately 
for each of the five calendar years prior to the date of the taking 
for which the property was appraised for agricultural use."