Amend CSHB 2833 as follows:                                                  

(1)  On page 3, line 8, between "proceedings," and "or", 	insert "platting,".
	(2)  On page 9, line 8, strike "and (2)".                               
	(3)  On page 9, strike lines 10 and 11 and substitute the 
	SECTION 6.  Section 2007.042, Government Code, is amended to 
read as follows:
	(4)  On page 9, line 12, before "(a)", insert "Sec. 2007.042.  
	(5)  On page 9, line 13, strike "or (2)".                               
	(6)  On page 9, after line 27, insert the following:                           
	(b)  A state agency that proposes to engage in a governmental 
action described in Section 2007.003(a)(1) [or (2)] that may result 
in a taking shall:
		(1)  provide notice in the manner prescribed by Section 
2001.023;  and      
		(2)  file with the secretary of state for publication 
in the Texas Register in the manner prescribed by Chapter 2002 a 
reasonably specific summary of the takings impact assessment that 
was prepared by the agency as required by this subchapter.
	(7)  On page 10, before line 1, insert the following 
appropriately numbered SECTION:
	SECTION ___.  Section 2007.043(a), Government Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  A governmental entity shall prepare a written takings 
impact assessment of a proposed governmental action described in 
Section 2007.003(a)(1) [through (3)] that complies with the 
evaluation guidelines developed by the attorney general under 
Section 2007.041 before the governmental entity provides the public 
notice required under Section 2007.042.
	(8)  On page 10, line 12, strike "or (2)".                              
	(9)  On page 10, between lines 22 and 23, insert the 
following appropriately numbered SECTIONS:
	SECTION ___.  Section 2007.045, Government Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
state agency that proposes to adopt a governmental action described 
in Section 2007.003(a)(1) [or (2)] that may result in a taking as 
indicated by the takings impact assessment shall update the 
assessment if the action is not adopted before the 180th day after 
the date the notice is given as required by Section 2001.023.
	SECTION ___.  (a)  The change in law made by this Act applies 
only to:       
		(1)  a governmental action described by Section 
2007.003(a)(1) or (2), Government Code, that commences on or after 
April 1, 2005; or
		(2)  a governmental action described by Section 
2007.003(a)(3), Government Code, that commences on or after April 
1, 2005, to enforce or implement any ordinance, rule, regulatory 
requirement, platting requirement, resolution, policy, guideline, 
or similar measure in effect on or after April 1, 2005.
	(b)  The change in law made by this Act may not be construed 
to create any claim or cause of action for:
		(1)  a governmental action described by Section 
2007.003(a)(1) or (2), Government Code, that commences before April 
1, 2005; or
		(2)  a governmental action described by Section 
2007.003(a)(3), Government Code, that commences before April 1, 
2005, to enforce or implement any ordinance, rule, regulatory 
requirement, platting requirement, resolution, policy, guideline, 
or similar measure in effect before April 1, 2005.
	(10)  Renumber SECTIONS of the bill appropriately.