Amend CSHB 2984 (House committee printing) as follows:                       

(1)  Strike page 5, line 27, through page 6, line 2, and 	substitute the following:
		(6) [(7)]  the criteria used [method] by [which] the 
commission to determine the priority of expenditures of money in 
the fund [sets priorities by which it determines the order in which 
abandoned wells are plugged];
		(7)  the current list of orphaned wells and well-sites, 
and surface locations that require remediation, ranked in order of 
priority, and an anticipated schedule of when the plugging or 
remediation work will begin;
	(2)  On page 6, line 3, strike "(7) [(8)]" and substitute 
	(3)  On page 6, line 7, strike "(8) [(9)]" and substitute 