Amend CSHB 3540 as follows:                                                  
	(1)  On page 22, line 6, strike "a continuing care retirement 
community" and substitute the following:  
	an entity that provides on a single campus a continuum of 
services, including independent living services, licensed assisted 
living services, and licensed nursing facility care services, and 
			(A)  operates under a continuing care retirement 
community certificate of authority issued by the Texas Department 
of Insurance; or
			(B)  over a 12-month period, provides a greater 
number of combined patient days of service to independent living 
and assisted living residents, not including services provided to 
persons in licensed nursing facility beds, than the patient days of 
service provided to nursing facility residents
	(2)  On page 22, line 10, between "fee" and the underscored 
colon, insert "payment".
	(3)  On page 22, lines 18-19, strike "in an amount that will 
produce annual revenues of not more than six percent of the 
institution's" and substitute "so that the fee does not produce 
annual revenues greater than six percent of the".
	(4)  On page 27, line 6, strike "facility's" and substitute 