Floor Packet Page No. 130                                                   

Amend CSSB 1 as follows:                                                     
	On page 33, Article VI, Parks and Wildlife Department, add 
the appropriately numbered section;
	Section     : Gratuities Accepted by Employees:                  
	An employee of the State Parks Division of the Texas Parks and 
Wildlife Department may accept a gratuity if:
		(1)  the employee serves food and beverages as a primary 
job duty in a restaurant, cafeteria, or other food service 
establishment within a State Park owned and operated by the Texas 
Parks and Wildlife Department;
		(2)  the gratuity is offered by a customer of the 
restaurant, cafeteria, or other food service establishment in 
appreciation for the service of food or beverages;
		(3)  the employee served food or beverages to the 
customer offered the gratuity; 
		(4)  the employee has been designated by the Texas Parks 
and Wildlife Department as being authorized to receive a gratuity; 
		(5)  the employee reports the gratuity in accordance 
with requirements established by the Texas Parks and Wildlife 