Floor Packet Page No. 47                                                    

Amend CSSB 1 by amending Rider 37 Article II relating to the 
appropriation to the Health and Human Services Commission as 
	Rider 37. High Performance Bonus for Administration of the 
Food Stamp Program. High Performance Bonuses are annual incentive 
payments to state agencies that meet standards for high or most 
improved performance established by the Secretary of the U.S. 
Department of Agriculture. The authority to expend high performance 
bonuses for administrative costs paid in a prior fiscal year is 
subject to the following conditions:
	a.  Within 30 days of receiving notice of the state's 
eligibility for a performance bonus, the Health and Human Services 
Commission shall notify the Legislative Budget Board and the 
	b.  At least 45 days prior to budgeting a performance bonus, 
the Health and Human Services Commission shall provide 
documentation of the proposed use of these funds to the Legislative 
Budget Board and the Governor. The report shall identify the impact 
on established performance targets, measures, and full-time 
equivalent positions, and shall be prepared in a format specified 
by the Legislative Budget Board.
	c.  In the event that the state receives a performance bonus, 
the Health and Human Services Commission is appropriated all funds 
received by the agency as Earned Federal Funds (General Revenue) 
subject to all limitations in this rider and to the following:
		(1)  a portionat least 15% of these funds, in each 
year of the biennium, shall be used by the Health and Human Services 
Commission for the development and operation of a nutrition 
education and outreach program, or for activities that otherwise 
improve low-income consumers' access to basic nutrition and healthy 
foods; and
		(2)  a portion of these funds, in each year of the 
biennium, shall be used by the Health and Human Services Commission 
to provide bonuses to position classifications whose efforts 
directly contributed to meeting these performance standards, or to 
position classifications who meet or exceed customer service 
performance measures developed by the commission, or whose efforts 
directly contributed to increasing the percentage of eligible 
persons who receive Food Stamps.
		(3)  Any High Performance bonus received by the Health 
and Human Services Commission between June 2, 2005 and August 31, 
2005 is hereby appropriated to the commission.
	d.  Before an employee can be eligible for a bonus, the 
employee must have been employed in the program for the related 
twelve months, remains employed in the program, and whose 
performance meets expectations. 
	e.  The commission has the authority to determine whether 
employees who have received bonuses under this provision are 
eligible for merit salary increases during a twelve-month period 
prior to or after receipt of the bonus. 
	f.  The commission shall prepare annual reports by October 1 
of each year of the biennium summarizing the commission's progress 
in implementing the outreach program required in section (c) and 
file those reports with the standing committees of the Senate and 
House of Representatives having primary jurisdiction over health 
and human services.