Amend the committee printing of CSSB 5 as follows:                           
	(1)  On page 3, by striking lines 46 through 48 and 
substituting the following:
	"(b)  A violation of Subsection (a) is an [a Class A] 
administrative violation and constitutes a ground for removal from 
office or termination of employment."
	(2)  On page 5, by striking lines 32 and 33 and substituting 
the following:  
		"(11)  correct clerical errors in the entry of orders; 
		(12)  exercise other powers and perform other duties as 
necessary to implement and enforce this title."
	(3)  On page 7, line 8, by striking "governor's office" and 
substituting "Texas Workforce Commission".
	(4)  On page 10, line 15, by inserting a new subdivision (3) 
to read as follows:
		"(3)  identification of whether the claimant is 
receiving medical care through a workers' compensation health care 
network certified under Chapter 1305, Insurance Code;"

and renumbering the subsequent subdivisions appropriately.                    
	(5)  On page 28, by striking lines 57 through 60 and 
substituting the following:
	"(h)  A person who makes a frivolous request for a medical 
examination under Subsection (b), as determined by the 
commissioner, commits a violation."
	(6)  On page 30, by striking lines 11 through 15, and 
substituting the following:
	"(i) [(h)]  An employee who, without good cause as determined 
by the commissioner, fails or refuses to appear at the time 
scheduled for an examination under Subsection (a) or (f), commits a 
	(7)  On page 30, by striking lines 36 through 39, and 
substituting the following:
	"(l)  A person who makes a frivolous request for a medical 
examination under Subsection (a) or (f), as determined by the 
commissioner, commits a violation."
	(8)  On page 32, by striking lines 11 through 13, and 
substituting the following:
	"(g)  A person required to comply with Subsection (f) who 
does not comply commits a violation."
	(9)  On page 34, line 65, by striking "or accept" and 
substituting ", accept, or pay".
	(10)  On page 66, by striking lines 24 through 28, and 
substituting the following:
	"(e)  An employer who willfully applies for or receives 
reimbursement from the account under this section knowing that the 
employer is not an eligible employer commits a violation."
	(11)  On page 75, between lines 47 and 48, by adding a new 
SECTION 3.2751 to read as follows:
	"SECTION 3.2751.  Chapter 415, Labor Code, is amended by 
adding a new Section 415.025 to read as follows:
PENALTY.  A reference in this code or other law, or rules of the 
Texas Workers' Compensation Commission or the Department of 
Workers' Compensation, to a particular class of violation, 
administrative violation, or penalty, means that the penalty shall 
not exceed $25,000 per day per occurrence, and each day of 
noncompliance constitutes a separate violation."
	(12)(a)  On page 85, by striking lines 24 through 33; (b) on 
page 86, between lines 46 and 47, by inserting the following:
		"(5)  health care facility;                                            
		(6)  health care practitioner;                                         
		(7)  health care provider;" and striking ll. 47-49; and                

and renumbering the remaining subdivisions accordingly.                       
	(13)  On page 92, line 14, by inserting "PHYSICIAN OR" 
between "CARE" and "PROVIDER".
	(14)  On page 92, line 19, by inserting "physician or" 
between "care" and "provider".
	(15)  On page 92, line 19, by inserting ", as the terms 
"physician" and "provider" are defined in that chapter" between 
"Chapter 843" and "."
	(16)  On page 94, line 36, by inserting ", to the extent 
covered under the employee's accident or health benefit plan," 
between "carrier" and "or".
	(17)  On page 94, line 41, by inserting "health care" before 
	(18)  On page 98, line 7, by striking "employers" and 
substituting "policyholders who have selected a network".
	(19)  On page 100, by inserting a new subsection (h) between 
lines 48 and 49, to read as follows:
	"(h)  Treatments and services for an emergency do not require 