Amend CSSB 5 as follows:                                                     

(1)  In ARTICLE 3 (page 12, line 54, through page 84, line 10, 	senate committee printing), insert a new appropriately numbered 
SECTION to read as follows:
	SECTION 3.___.  Subchapter C, Chapter 410, Labor Code, is 
amended by adding Sections 410.122 and 410.123 to read as follows:
	Sec. 410.122.  REQUIRING ARBITRATION AGREEMENT.  An employer 
who does not provide workers' compensation insurance coverage 
commits a Class A administrative violation if the employer fails or 
refuses to hire, discharges, harasses, or in any other manner 
discriminates against an individual in connection with 
compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment 
because the individual refuses to sign an arbitration agreement.
employer who does not provide workers' compensation insurance 
coverage may not require as a condition of employment that:
		(1)  an employee submit to mandatory arbitration; or                   
		(2)  an employee or prospective employee waive any 
	(b)  An arbitration agreement or waiver described by 
Subsection (a) is not enforceable unless the employee or 
prospective employee:
		(1)  knowingly and voluntarily agrees to the agreement 
or waiver; and
		(2)  signs the agreement or waiver.                                    
	(c)  An arbitration agreement or waiver described by 
Subsection (a) that violates this section is void and 

	(d)  In any proceeding in which enforcement of an arbitration 
agreement or a waiver of rights described by Subsection (a) is 
sought, the employer has the burden of proof to show that the 
agreement or waiver was agreed to by the employee knowingly and 
voluntarily and that the agreement or waiver was not a condition of 
	(2)  Renumber the subsequent SECTIONS of ARTICLE 3 of the 
bill appropriately.