Amend the committee printing of CSSB 5 as follows:                           
	(1)  On page 92, line 29, through page 93, line 13, strike 
Section 1305.106 in its entirety and substitute the following:
	"Sec. 1305.106.  PAYMENT OF HEALTH CARE PROVIDER.  (a)  The 
commissioner shall adopt rules regarding the payment of claims by 
health care providers in workers' compensation health care 
	(b)  Rules adopted under this section shall as closely as 
possible follow those adopted for payment of claims by Health 
Maintenance Organizations pursuant to Subchapter J, Chapter 843, 
Insurance Code.  Rules adopted under this section may vary from 
those adopted under Subchapter J, Chapter 843 to consider factors 
specific to the payment of claims in the workers' compensation 
	(2)  On page 94, line 32, at the end of Subsection (e), insert 
the following:  "Payment for medically necessary health care 
services provided prior to written notification of a compensability 
denial is not subject to denial, recoupment, or refund from a 
network provider based on compensability."
	(3)  On page 109, line 6, in SECTION 7.011, between "(a)" and 
"commissioner", strike "The" and substitute "Except as provided by 
Subsection (c), the".
	(4)  On page 109, between lines 16 and 17, in SECTION 7.011, 
insert a new Subsection (c) to read as follows:
	"(c)  The commissioner of insurance shall adopt rules to 
implement Section 1305.106, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, 
on or before January 1, 2007."