Amend CSSB 5 as follows:                                                     
	Amend Article 1, of the committee report by inserting the 
following section appropriately numbered.  Section 1 __. Subchapter 
A, Chapter 402 of the Labor Code is amended by adding Section 
402.0125 to read as follows:
(a) A commissioner, or an employee of the Texas Department of Workers' Compensation involved in hearing department cases may not: (1) be employed by an insurance carrier that was in the scope of the commissioner's or employee's official responsibility while the commissioner or employee was associated with the department; or (2) represent a person before the department or a court in a matter: (A) in which the commissioner or employee was personally involved while associated with the department; or (B) that was within the commissioner's or employee's official responsibility while the commissioner or employee was associated with the department. (b) The prohibition of Subsection (a)(1) applies until the: (1) second anniversary of the date the commissioner ceases to serve as a commissioner; and (2) first anniversary of the date the employee's employment with the department ceases. (c) The prohibition of Subsection (a)(2) applies while a commissioner, or employee of the Texas Department of Workers' Compensation involved in hearing insurance cases is associated with the department and at any time thereafter.