Amend CSSB 6 as follows:                                                     

(1)  In SECTION 1.19(a) of the bill, in amended Section 	261.307, Family Code (House committee report page 16, lines 8-14), 
strike added Subdivision (2) and substitute the following:
		(2)  if the department determines that removal of the 
child may be warranted, a proposed child placement resources form 
			(A)  instructs the parent or other person having 
legal custody of the child to:
				(i)  complete and return the form to the 
department or agency; and 
				(ii)  identify in the form three individuals 
who could be relative caregivers or designated caregivers, as those 
terms are defined by Section 264.751; and
			(B)  informs the parent or other person of a 
location that is available to the parent or other person to submit 
the information in the form 24 hours a day either in person or by 
facsimile machine or e-mail; and
	(2)  In SECTION 1.25(a) of the bill, in the introductory 
language (House committee report page 21, line 3), strike "Section 
262.201(c), Family Code, is" and substitute "Sections 262.201(c) 
and (e), Family Code, are".
	(3)  In SECTION 1.25(a) of the bill (House committee report 
page 21, between lines 24 and 25), insert the following:
	(e)  The court shall place a child removed from the child's 
custodial parent with the child's noncustodial parent or with a 
relative of the child if placement with the noncustodial parent is 
inappropriate, unless the department overcomes the presumption 
that placement with the noncustodial parent or a relative is [not] 
in the best interest of the child.
	(4)  Immediately following SECTION 1.25 of the bill (House 
committee report page 22, between lines 3 and 4), insert the 
following and renumber the SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
	(c)  The change in law made by this section to Section 
262.201(e), Family Code, applies only to a suit affecting the 
parent-child relationship filed on or after the effective date of 
this section.  A suit affecting the parent-child relationship filed 
before the effective date of this section is governed by the law in 
effect on the date suit was filed, and the former law is continued 
in effect for that purpose.
	SECTION 1.___.  (a)  Section 262.205(e), Family Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(e)  Unless the department overcomes the presumption that 
the placement [it] is [not] in the best interest of the child, the 
court shall place a child who has been removed under this section 
		(1)  the child's noncustodial parent; or                                      
		(2)  another relative of the child if placement with 
the noncustodial parent is inappropriate.
	(b)  The change in law made by this section to Section 
262.205(e), Family Code, applies only to a suit affecting the 
parent-child relationship filed on or after the effective date of 
this section.  A suit affecting the parent-child relationship filed 
before the effective date of this section is governed by the law in 
effect on the date suit was filed, and the former law is continued 
in effect for that purpose.
	(5)  In Article 1 of the bill (House committee report page 
24, between lines 21 and 22), insert the following appropriately 
numbered SECTION and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill 
	SECTION 1.___.  (a)  Section 263.404(a), Family Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  The court may render a final order appointing the 
department as managing conservator of the child without terminating 
the rights of the parent of the child if the court finds that:
		(1)  appointment of a parent as managing conservator 
would not be in the best interest of the child because the 
appointment would significantly impair the child's physical health 
or emotional development; and
		(2)  the department has overcome the presumption that
it would [not] be in the best interest of the child to appoint a 
relative of the child or another person as managing conservator.
	(b)  The change in law made by this section to Section 
263.404(a), Family Code, applies only to a suit affecting the 
parent-child relationship filed on or after the effective date of 
this section.  A suit affecting the parent-child relationship filed 
before the effective date of this section is governed by the law in 
effect on the date suit was filed, and the former law is continued 
in effect for that purpose.
	(6)  In SECTION 1.44 of the bill, in added Section 
264.751(1), Family Code (House committee report page 55, line 13), 
between "conservator" and "and", insert "or with the child's 