Amend CSSB 6 in SECTION 1.30 of the bill by striking added 
Section 45.003, Human Resources Code (House committee printing, 
page 29, lines 12-19), and substituting the following:
	Sec. 45.003.  HIRING PREFERENCE.  A substitute care or case 
management services provider that contracts with the department to 
provide substitute care or case management services shall:
		(1)  give a preference in hiring to qualified 
department employees in good standing with the department who 
provide substitute care or case management services and whose 
positions with the department may be eliminated as a result of the 
privatization of substitute care and case management services; and
		(2)  ensure that each subcontractor with whom the 
substitute care or case management services provider contracts for 
the provision of substitute care or case management services also 
gives a preference in hiring to current and former qualified 
department employees whose positions with the department may be or 
were eliminated as a result of the privatization of substitute care 
and case management services.