Amend CSSB 6 in Article 1 of the bill, by adding the following 
appropriately numbered SECTIONS and renumbering subsequent 
SECTIONS in that article accordingly:
	SECTION __.  Section 261.302(e), Family Code, is amended to 
read as follows: 
	(e)  An interview with a child conducted by the department 
during the investigation stage shall be audiotaped or videotaped.  
An interview with a child alleged to be a victim of physical abuse 
or sexual abuse conducted by an investigating agency other than the 
department shall be audiotaped or videotaped unless the 
investigating agency determines that good cause exists for not 
audiotaping or videotaping the interview in accordance with rules 
of the agency.  Good cause may include, but is not limited to, such 
considerations as the age of the child and the nature and 
seriousness of the allegations under investigation.  Nothing in 
this subsection shall be construed as prohibiting the investigating 
agency from audiotaping or videotaping an interview of a child on 
any case for which such audiotaping or videotaping is not required 
under this subsection.  The fact that the investigating agency 
failed to audiotape or videotape an interview is admissible at the 
trial of the offense that is the subject of the interview.
	SECTION __.  Sections 261.310(a) and (d), Family Code, are 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  The department shall by rule develop and adopt 
[voluntary] standards for persons who investigate suspected child 
abuse or neglect at the state or local level.  The standards shall 
encourage professionalism and consistency in the investigation of 
suspected child abuse or neglect.
	(d)  The standards shall [recommend]:                         
		(1)  recommend that videotaped and audiotaped 
interviews [with a suspected victim] be uninterrupted;
		(2)  recommend a maximum number of interviews with and 
examinations of a suspected victim;
		(3)  provide procedures to preserve evidence, including 
the original recordings of the intake telephone calls, original 
notes, videotapes, and audiotapes, for one year; and
		(4)  provide that an investigator of suspected child 
abuse or neglect make a reasonable effort to locate and inform each 
parent of a child of any report of abuse or neglect relating to the 