Amend CSSB 6 by adding the following appropriately numbered 
sections to Article 1 of the bill and renumbering the remaining 
sections of the article as appropriate:
	SECTION ____.  Section 261.302, Family Code, is amended by 
adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
	(b-1)  Except as provided by this subsection, the department 
may transport a child as provided by Subsection (b)(3) only if the 
department makes a reasonable documented effort to notify the 
parent or other person having custody of the child of the transport 
before the child is transported.  The department may transport a 
child without giving prior notice if the department:
		(1)  determines and documents, based on the 
department's preliminary investigation, that the notification 
would place another child at risk of harm;
		(2)  obtains an emergency order under Section 262.102; 
		(3)  takes possession of the child without a court 
order under Section 262.104.
	SECTION ____.  Section 262.105(a), Family Code, is amended to 
read as follows:
	(a)  Except as provided by Section 262.1051, when [When] a 
child is taken into possession without a court order, the person 
taking the child into possession, without unnecessary delay, shall:
		(1)  file a suit affecting the parent-child 
		(2)  request the court to appoint an attorney ad litem 
for the child;  and  
		(3)  request an initial hearing to be held by no later 
than the first working day after the date the child is taken into 
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter B, Chapter 262, Family Code, is 
amended by adding Sections 262.1051 and 262.1052 to read as 
WITHOUT COURT ORDER.  If the Department of Family and Protective 
Services takes possession of a child under Section 262.104, the 
department is not required to file suit under Section 262.105 if:
		(1)  based on further investigation, the department 
determines that the child's safety can be assured without court 
		(2)  the child is returned to a parent or placed with 
another person determined to be suitable by the department and 
agreed to by a parent not later than the first day after the date the 
child is taken into possession; and
		(3)  the department prepares a report describing in 
			(A)  the facts that warranted taking possession of 
the child without a court order;
			(B)  the results of the department's 
investigation; and             
			(C)  the basis for the department's determination 
that the child's safety can be assured without court intervention.
WITHOUT COURT INTERVENTION.  The Department of Family and 
Protective Services shall:
		(1)  file the report required by Section 262.1051 with 
the Health and Human Services Commission's office of inspector 
		(2)  compile and maintain separate statistical 
information, on both regional and statewide bases, with regard to:
			(A)  all cases in which a child is transported 
without prior notification to a parent or other person having 
custody of the child as provided by Section 261.302(b-1); and
			(B)  all cases in which a child is returned or 
placed without court intervention as provided by Section 262.1051; 
		(3)  on request by a committee of the legislature, 
prepare an analysis of the reports and information required by this 
section in the manner specified by the committee.
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter C, Chapter 40, Human Resources 
Code, is amended by adding Section 40.073 to read as follows:
	Sec. 40.073.  PARENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  (a)  The 
Parental Advisory Committee shall advise the department on policies 
affecting parents and their involvement with the department, 
		(1)  investigations of allegations of abuse or neglect;                
		(2)  designations of alternative placements for 
children; and        
		(3)  standards for persons who investigate reports of 
abuse or neglect on the state or local level.
	(b)  The Parental Advisory Committee consists of members 
appointed by the governor.  The governor shall establish:
		(1)  the qualifications for committee members;                         
		(2)  the terms for committee members; and                              
		(3)  the number of committee members.                                  
	(c)  Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the 
	(d)  A committee member may not receive compensation for 
serving on the committee but is entitled to reimbursement of travel 
expenses incurred by the member while conducting the business of 
the committee as provided by the General Appropriations Act.