Amend CSSB 6 as follows:                                                     

(1)  On page 15, line 8, between "PROCEDURE." and "As", 	insert "(a)". 
	(2)  On page 16, between lines 16 and 17, insert the 
	(b)  The child placement resources form described by 
Subsection (a)(2) must include information on the periods of time 
by which the department must complete a background check subject to 
the requirements of Section 262.1002 and place the child with the 
designated person subject to the requirements of Section 262.1001.
	(3)  In Article 1 of the bill, insert the following 
appropriately numbered SECTION and renumber the SECTIONS of the 
article accordingly:
	SECTION __.  (a)  Subchapter B, Chapter 262, Family Code, is 
amended by adding Sections 262.1001 and 262.1002 to read as 
CHILD.  (a)  Because placing a child in the care of a person 
designated by the child's parent, conservator, or legal guardian is 
in the child's best interest, a governmental entity that determines 
after an investigation that a child should be removed from the 
child's home and that a suit affecting the parent-child 
relationship has been or will be filed by the entity as provided by 
this chapter with regard to the child shall inform the child's 
parent, conservator, or legal guardian that the person may 
designate another person who is related to the child by blood, 
adoption, or marriage or who has a significant, long-standing 
relationship with the child or the child's family to care for the 
child preceding the filing of and during the pendency of a suit 
affecting the parent-child relationship.
	(b)  A governmental entity that places a child with a person 
designated by the child's parent, conservator, or legal guardian as 
provided by this section shall:
		(1)  develop a written child protection plan for the 
child as provided by Subsection (c);
		(2)  provide to the person designated by the child's 
parent, conservator, or legal guardian a copy of the child 
protection plan in a language understandable by the person and 
explain the plan to the person in that language; and
		(3)  if the child is being regularly breast-fed, to the 
extent possible, provide to the child's mother scheduled visitation 
periods at appropriate intervals to allow the mother to continue 
breast-feeding the child, unless the court finds after a hearing 
that the mother is not fit for these visitation periods.
	(c)  The child protection plan required by Subsection (b) 
must include reasonable restrictions on contacts with the child and 
other terms designed to reasonably ensure the safety of the child.  
The plan must be signed by the department, the designated person, 
each member of the designated person's household who is at least 18 
years of age, and the child's parent, conservator, or legal 
guardian.  Each person who signs the plan must agree that if there 
is an alleged violation of the plan, all parties will attend a court 
hearing to be held not later than the date of the next review 
hearing or as soon as practicable.  At the conclusion of the 
hearing, the court shall determine whether a violation of the plan 
has occurred and issue necessary orders to restore compliance with 
the plan or place the child in the custody of the department.
	(d)  Each party to the plan must agree to the plan before the 
department may release the child to the designated person.
PERSON.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), the department 
may not place a child with a person designated by the child's 
parent, conservator, or legal guardian under Section 262.1001 if 
the department determines that the designated person or another 
person in the designated person's household:
		(1)  is registered in the department's statewide 
central registry system with a finding that the department 
confirmed or had reason to believe that the parent abused or 
neglected a child;
		(2)  is the subject of a report of abuse or neglect of a 
child being investigated by the department;
		(3)  has been convicted of a felony; or                                
		(4)  has previously voluntarily relinquished parental 
rights as the result of an allegation of child abuse or neglect.
	(b)  A law enforcement agency in this state on the request of 
the department shall assist in conducting a criminal background 
check on the designated person or any other person in the designated 
person's household.
	(c)  The department may place a child with a designated 
person prohibited from placement under Subsection (a) if the 
department determines that placement of the child with the 
designated person will not endanger the child.  The child 
protection plan under Section 262.1001 must address any issues with 
regard to the placement of the child under this subsection.
	(b)  Section 262.109, Family Code, is amended by adding 
Subsection (e) to read as follows:
	(e)  In addition to the notice required by Subsection (c), 
the department must provide to the child's parent, conservator, or 
legal guardian the standard child placement resources form to be 
completed by the parent, conservator, or legal guardian as provided 
by Section 262.1001.  The department shall inform the parent, 
conservator, or legal guardian of a location that is available to 
the person to submit the information in the form 24 hours a day 
either in person or by facsimile machine or by e-mail.
	(c)  Sections 262.1001, 262.1002, and 262.109(e), Family 
Code, as added by this article, apply only to the removal of a child 
from the child's residence that occurs on or after the effective 
date of this Act.  The removal of a child from the child's residence 
that occurred before the effective date of this Act is governed by 
the law in effect on the date the child was removed, and the former 
law is continued in effect for that purpose.