Amend CSSB 6 by adding the following appropriately numbered 
SECTION to the bill and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill 
	SECTION _.  Subtitle E, Title 5, Family Code, is amended by 
adding Chapter 267 to read as follows:
Sec. 267.001. DEFINITION. In this chapter, "department" means the Department of Family and Protective Services. Sec. 267.002. ESTABLISHMENT OF CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION PILOT PROJECT. The department, in consultation with the child abuse prevention services task force established under Section 267.006, shall establish the child abuse prevention pilot project under this chapter to reduce the increasing incidences and financial and emotional costs of child abuse and neglect in this state by: (1) developing intervention programs in different geographic regions of this state; and (2) evaluating the success of those programs. Sec. 267.003. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION. The department shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with an institution of higher education in this state to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the pilot project. The memorandum of understanding must require the institution to: (1) track the number of abuse allegations, confirmed victims, and child deaths in the communities served by the pilot project programs before, during, and after the implementation of the pilot project programs; and (2) report to the department and the child abuse prevention services task force established under Section 267.006 regarding the results of the pilot project programs every six months following the date on which the pilot project programs are implemented or at any other time required by the task force. Sec. 267.004. PILOT PROJECT PROGRAM LOCATIONS. (a) The department shall establish programs under the pilot project in four locations. Two of the locations must be urban areas and two of the locations must be rural areas. (b) Within each location, the department shall: (1) engage and build trust with the communities in which programs are established using a locality development approach; and (2) gather community-specific data on gaps and overlaps in services currently offered in the location. Sec. 267.005. PILOT PROJECT INTERVENTION PROGRAMS. (a) The pilot project programs shall use intervention methods that in studies conducted in this state or nationwide have been shown to be the most effective in reducing child abuse and neglect. (b) The intervention methods used in the pilot project programs may include methods that have been shown to be successful at: (1) detecting risks of child abuse; (2) decreasing: (A) child maltreatment; (B) child sexual abuse; (C) substance abuse by parents; (D) domestic violence; (E) subsequent pregnancies; (F) parental depression and stress; and (G) reliance on public assistance; (3) enhancing parenting skills; and (4) increasing the cognitive development of children. (c) One of the pilot project programs must be a voluntary in-home visitation program that incorporates the following best practices components: (1) comprehensive multiple interventions addressing behavior in multiple settings, including school, home, and community; (2) varied teaching methods involving interactive and hands-on experiences; (3) sufficient intervention to prevent the dissipation of its effects over time; (4) a theory-driven and scientific justification for interventions; (5) positive relationships developed between the participants and the providers; (6) prevention measures designed to target the community and tailored to the community's needs; (7) clear and realistic goals and documented results; (8) professional and well-trained staff; (9) a focus on both the child and the parent; and (10) links to quality child care and other services. (d) One of the pilot project programs must be a parent support group, a crisis nursery, or another intervention program that the task force established under Section 267.006 determines to have shown the most promise and potential for cost-effectiveness. Sec. 267.006. CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION SERVICES TASK FORCE. (a) In this section, "task force" means the child abuse prevention services task force established under this section. (b) The child abuse prevention services task force shall create a strategic plan to improve the availability of child abuse prevention services in this state and to advise the department on the implementation of the child abuse prevention pilot project. (c) The task force is composed of an odd number of members jointly nominated by the presiding officer of each house of representatives and senate standing committee having jurisdiction over family protective services and approved by the governor. (d) Each member of the task force must have demonstrated experience regarding the prevention of child abuse or neglect. (e) Membership on the task force must include: (1) two researchers from nationally or state-recognized child abuse prevention programs at institutions of higher education; (2) two researchers from nationally or state-recognized health care programs at institutions of higher education; (3) two representatives of child advocacy organizations in this state; (4) two members of the legislature; and (5) two providers of recognized child abuse and neglect prevention programs. (f) The task force shall: (1) examine the provision of child abuse prevention services in this state and identify opportunities to coordinate and consolidate the delivery of those services; (2) identify federal, state, and community sources of funding for child abuse prevention services; (3) create a strategic plan that would result in the extension of child abuse prevention services to more at-risk families in this state; and (4) regarding the pilot project established under this chapter, advise the department on the: (A) locations for the pilot project programs; (B) intervention models to be used in the pilot project programs; (C) development of the request for proposal process to be used for participation in the pilot project; (D) selection of an institution of higher education to measure the outcomes of the pilot project programs; and (E) expansion of or a change in a particular intervention method used under a pilot project program. (g) The department shall provide administrative support and services to the task force. (h) Not later than September 1, 2006, the task force shall present to the department the strategic plan created under Subsection (f)(3). Sec. 267.007. REPORT ON STRATEGIC PLAN BY DEPARTMENT. (a) Not later than the 90th day after the date on which the task force presents to the department its strategic plan under Section 267.006(h), the department shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the presiding officer of each house of representatives and senate standing committee having jurisdiction over family protective services a written report concerning the strategic plan of the task force. The report must include recommendations for: (1) implementing the strategic plan of the task force, if appropriate; (2) modifications to the strategic plan of the task force; and (3) legislation that the task force considers necessary to implement the strategic plan. (b) This section expires September 1, 2007.