Amend CSSB 6 (House Committee Report) by adding the following 
appropriately numbered SECTIONS to ARTICLE 1 of the bill and 
renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of ARTICLE 1 of the bill 
	SECTION ___.  Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by 
adding Subchapter EE to read as follows:
Sec. 61.9741. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter applies only to a county with a population of less than two million in which a municipality with a population of more than one million is located. Sec. 61.9742. REPAYMENT ASSISTANCE AUTHORIZED. (a) The board shall establish a pilot program under which the board provides, in accordance with this subchapter and board rules, assistance in the repayment of education loans for social workers who apply and qualify for the assistance. (b) The provision of financial assistance in the repayment of education loans under this subchapter promotes a public purpose. Sec. 61.9743. ELIGIBILITY. To be eligible to receive repayment assistance, a person: (1) must apply to the board; (2) must have graduated from an accredited public or private institution of higher education in or outside this state with a baccalaureate or graduate degree in social work; (3) must currently work as an entry-level investigator for the Department of Family and Protective Services and have worked in that position for at least one year; and (4) may not have received any funds from the Department of Family and Protective Services available under Title IV-D, federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 670 et seq.). Sec. 61.9744. LIMITATIONS. The amount of loan repayment assistance received by a social worker under this subchapter in one year may not exceed the lesser of $3,300 or 20 percent of the total amount of the social worker's outstanding education loans, including scheduled interest payments that would become due if the loan is not prepaid, when the social worker enters into the agreement. Sec. 61.9745. ELIGIBLE LOANS. (a) The board may provide repayment assistance for the repayment of any education loan received by the social worker through any lender for education while enrolled at an institution of higher education described by Section 61.9743(2) in a baccalaureate or graduate degree program in social work. (b) The board may not provide repayment assistance for an education loan that is in default at the time of the social worker's application. Sec. 61.9746. REPAYMENT. (a) The board shall deliver any repayment assistance made under this subchapter in a lump sum payable to the lender and the social worker and in accordance with any applicable federal law. (b) Loan repayment assistance received under this subchapter may be applied to the principal amount of the loan and to interest that accrues. Sec. 61.9747. ADVISORY COMMITTEE. The board may appoint an advisory committee from outside the board's membership to assist the board in performing the board's duties under this subchapter. Sec. 61.9748. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS. The board may solicit and accept gifts, grants, and donations for the purposes of this subchapter. Sec. 61.9749. RULES. The board shall adopt rules necessary for the administration of this subchapter. Sec. 61.9750. REPORT TO LEGISLATURE. Not later than December 1, 2008, the board shall submit to the legislature a report regarding the loan repayment assistance pilot program administered by the board under this subchapter. The report must include: (1) the number of persons receiving loan repayment assistance under this subchapter; (2) an evaluation of the effectiveness of the pilot program in encouraging social workers to maintain employment with the Department of Family and Protective Services and any other benefits or problems that result from the pilot program; and (3) the board's recommendations regarding the elimination, continuation, or expansion of the pilot program. Sec. 61.9751. EXPIRATION OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter expires September 1, 2009. SECTION ___. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall adopt the rules for the repayment assistance pilot program under Subchapter EE, Chapter 61, Education Code, as added by this Act, not later than December 1, 2005.