Amend CSSB 6 (House Committee Printing) in Article 1 of the 
bill by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the 
article and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the article 
	SECTION 1.____.  Subchapter B, Chapter 40, Human Resources 
Code, is amended by adding Section 40.0323 to read as follows:
(a)  In this section, "investigative caseworker" means a caseworker 
of the investigations division of the child protective services 
program who spends more than 80 percent of the caseworker's time 
investigating cases of child abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
	(b)  Notwithstanding Section 531.048(d), Government Code, 
and subject to Subsection (d), the department shall ensure that the 
average caseload for investigative caseworkers does not exceed 20 
cases at any time.
	(b-1)  Notwithstanding Section 531.048(d), Government Code, 
and Subsection (b) and subject to Subsection (d), the department 
shall ensure that:
		(1)  beginning September 1, 2007, the average caseload 
for investigative caseworkers does not exceed 44 cases at any time;
		(2)  beginning September 1, 2009, the average caseload 
for investigative caseworkers does not exceed 38 cases at any time;
		(3)  beginning September 1, 2011, the average caseload 
for investigative caseworkers does not exceed 32 cases at any time; 
		(4)  beginning September 1, 2013, the average caseload 
for investigative caseworkers does not exceed 26 cases at any time.
	(b-2)  Subsection (b-1) and this subsection expire September 
1, 2015. 
	(c)  In determining the average number of cases for 
investigative caseworkers for purposes of this section, the 
department may not consider cases that are:
		(1)  more than 60 days old; or                                         
		(2)  90 percent completed, as determined by rules 
adopted by the executive commissioner.
	(d)  The commissioner may temporarily waive the limit on the 
average caseload for investigative caseworkers established by this 
section under circumstances, such as high turnover rates, specified 
by rules adopted by the executive commissioner.