Amend CSSB 6 by adding to the transitional material the 
following appropriately numbered section and renumbering 
subsequent sections of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  (a)  In this section:                                           
		(1)  "Commission" means the Health and Human Services 
		(2)  "Health and human services agencies" has the 
meaning assigned by Section 531.001, Government Code.
		(3)  "Training for child protective services" means 
training administered by a state agency or an institution of higher 
education that is provided to individuals working or interested in 
working in the field of child protective services and that is 
intended to assist the individuals in performing that work more 
effectively or efficiently.
	(b)  The commission shall study the feasibility of providing 
a financial incentive to individuals to assist the individuals in 
receiving training for child protective services.
	(c)  The study must:                                                           
		(1)  consider the feasibility of creating a private 
foundation to solicit and receive money that will be used to assist 
those individuals;
		(2)  consider possible means of providing a financial 
incentive, including educational or living stipends or 
reimbursement of tuition costs, to assist those individuals and 
determine the most effective means to deliver the incentives;
		(3)  suggest criteria that those individuals must meet 
to receive the financial incentives;
		(4)  estimate the initial cost and annual cost to this 
state of providing the financial incentives to those individuals; 
		(5)  estimate the savings and costs associated with 
improved training of those individuals that may result from 
providing the financial incentives.
	(d)  In conducting the study under Subsection (b) of this 
section, the commission may cooperate as necessary with any 
appropriate state agency.
	(e)  Not later than September 1, 2006, the commission shall 
report the results of the study to the standing committees of the 
senate and house of representatives with primary jurisdiction over 
health and human services programs or appropriations.