Amend CSSB 6 in SECTION 1.44(a) of the bill by striking 
Section 264.755, Family Code (page 57, line 4 through page 58, line 
14), and substituting the following:
department shall, subject to the availability of funds, enter into 
a caregiver assistance agreement with each relative or other 
designated caregiver to provide monetary assistance and additional 
support services to the caregiver. The monetary assistance and 
support services shall be based on a family's need, as determined by 
rules adopted by the executive commissioner.
	(b)  Monetary assistance provided under this section must 
include a one-time cash payment of not more than $1,000 for each 
child placed with a caregiver. The cash payment must be provided on 
the initial placement of each child with the caregiver and is 
provided to assist the caregiver in purchasing essential child-care 
items such as furniture and clothing.
	(c)  Monetary assistance and additional support services 
provided under this section may include:
		(1)  case management services and training and 
information about the child's needs until the caregiver is 
appointed permanent managing conservator;
		(2)  referrals to appropriate state agencies 
administering public benefits or assistance programs for which the 
child, the caregiver, or the caregiver's family may qualify;
		(3)  family counseling not provided under the Medicaid 
program for the caregiver's family for a period not to exceed two 
years from the date of initial placement;
		(4)  if the caregiver meets the eligibility criteria 
determined by rules adopted by the executive commissioner, 
reimbursement of all child-care expenses incurred while the child 
is under 13 years of age, or under 18 years of age if the child has a 
developmental disability, and while the department is the child's 
managing conservator;
		(5)  if the caregiver meets the eligibility criteria 
determined by rules adopted by the executive commissioner, 
reimbursement of 50 percent of child-care expenses incurred after 
the caregiver is appointed permanent managing conservator of the 
child while the child is under 13 years of age, or under 18 years of 
age if the child has a developmental disability; and
		(6)  reimbursement of other expenses, as determined by 
rules adopted by the executive commissioner, not to exceed $500 per 
year for each child.