Amend CSSB 6 as follows:                                                     
	(1)  Add the following to be SECTION 1.35 and renumber the 
remaining SECTIONS as appropriate:
(a)  The Health and Human Services Commission shall conduct a study 
to identify functions of the child protective services division of 
the Department of Family and Protective Services that are not 
currently performed by a private person or performed by an entity 
under a contact with the department on a widespread basis, would 
result in improving the welfare of children receiving services from 
the department or in other benefits to the department.
	(b)  If the commission determines that contracting with a 
private person or entity to perform certain functions described by 
Subsection (a) of this section would be beneficial, the commission 
shall implement privatization of those functions through a pilot 
program in one county or one region of the state until September 1, 
	(C)  The commission shall:                                                     
		(1)  ensure that the process for privatizing functions 
under Subsection (b) of this section and for monitoring that 
privatization includes rigorous accountability and oversight 
		(2)  ensure that any contract entered into under 
Subsection (b) of this section contains the provisions required 
under Section 40.058(b), Human Resources Code, and is subject to 
the performance monitoring standards under Section 40.058(c), 
Human Resource Code;
		(3)  develop adequate contingency plans that allow for 
emergency takeovers of privatized functions if there is a 
disruption in the services provided by the contracted person or 
entity; and
		(4)  provide opportunities for any interested parties 
to comment and otherwise have input in all stages of the process for 
privatizing functions under Subsection (b) of this section.
	(d)  Not later than December 31, 2008, the Health and Human 
Services Commission shall report the results of any pilot program 
implemented under Subsection (b) of this section to the lieutenant 
governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the 
clerks of the standing committees of the senate and house of 
representatives with primary jurisdiction over the department.  The 
report must include:
		(1)  an analysis comparing costs and benefits of using 
a private entity to provide child protective services versus the 
state providing those services;
		(2)  a description of the problems the commission 
experienced during the pilot programs and a description of any 
potential problems the commission anticipates with implementing 
the pilot programs statewide; and
		(3)  recommendations on whether the pilot programs 
should be expanded statewide.