Amend CSSB 6 as follows:                                                     
	(1)  In SECTION 3.26 of the bill, strike added Section 
111.021, Government Code (committee printing page 80, lines 57-59), 
and substitute the following:
	Sec.  111.021.  DIRECTOR OF OFFICE; STAFF.  The 
administrative director, after consulting with the board, may hire 
a director to perform the administrative duties of the office.  The 
administrative director may hire staff as necessary for the office.
	(2)  In SECTION 3.26 of the bill, immediately following added 
Section 111.049, Government Code (committee printing page 83, 
between lines 31 and 32), insert the following:
	Sec.  111.050.  USE OF OFFICE FUNDS.  (a)  The office may not 
spend for the office's administrative costs more than 22 percent of 
the funds received each fiscal year to implement this chapter.
	(b)  The portion of the funds received by the office to 
implement this chapter that are not spent for the office's 
administrative costs must be distributed as directed by grants or 
contracts in accordance with the plan established under Section 
	(3)  Strike SECTION 3.28 of the bill (committee printing page 
85, lines 9-15) and substitute the following:
	SECTION  3.28.  Section 118.013, Local Government Code, is 
amended by adding Subsections (e) and (f) to read as follows:
	(e)  A county clerk who collects a fee under this section 
shall deposit 50 cents of the total amount of that fee to be sent to 
the comptroller as provided by Subchapter B, Chapter 133, for 
deposit in the guardianship resource account established under 
Section 111.046, Government Code.
	(f)  A county clerk who collects a fee under this section 
shall deposit 50 cents of the total amount of that fee in a separate 
guardianship services account in the general fund of the county to 
be used only for guardianship programs, as defined by Section 601, 
Texas Probate Code, or for the provision of guardianship services.