Amend CSSB 6 as follows:                                                     
	1)  In Section 1.16 of the bill, in amended Section 261.307, 
Family Code, subsection (a) (Senate committee printing page 6, line 
29), between "shall" and "provide", by inserting "make every 
reasonable effort to"
	2)  In Section 1.16 of the bill, in amended Section 261.307, 
Family Code (Senate committee printing page 6, lines 30-53), by 
striking Subsection (a)(1) and substituting the following:
		(1)  a [brief and easily understood] summary that [of]:
			(A)  is brief and easily understood;                                  
			(B)  is written in a language that the person 
understands, or if the person is illiterate, is read to the person 
in a language that the person understands; and
			(C)  contains the following information:                              
				(i)  [(1)]  the department's procedures for 
conducting an investigation of alleged child abuse or neglect, 
					(a)  [(A)]  a description of the 
circumstances under which the department would request to remove 
the child from the home through the judicial system; and
					(b)  [(B)]  an explanation that the 
law requires the department to refer all reports of alleged child 
abuse or neglect to a law enforcement agency for a separate 
determination of whether a criminal violation occurred;
				(ii)  [(2)]  the person's right to file a 
complaint with the department or to request a review of the findings 
made by the department in the investigation;
				(iii)  [(3)]  the person's right to review 
all records of the investigation unless the review would jeopardize 
an ongoing criminal investigation or the child's safety;
				(iv)  [(4)]  the person's right to seek 
legal counsel;
				(v)  [(5)]  references to the statutory and 
regulatory provisions governing child abuse and neglect and how the 
person may obtain copies of those provisions; and
				(vi)  [(6)]  the process the person may use 
to acquire access to the child if the child is removed from the 