Amend CSSB 6 by striking SECTION 1.43 of the bill (committee 
printing page ___, lines ___-___), and substituting the following:
	SECTION 1.43.  (a) Subchapter C, Chapter 264, Family Code, 
is amended by adding Section 264.2041 to read as follows:
	Sec. 264.2041.  CULTURAL AWARENESS.  The department shall:              
		(1)  develop and deliver cultural competency training 
to all service delivery staff;
		(2)  increase targeted recruitment efforts for foster 
and adoptive families who can meet the needs of children and youth 
who are waiting for permanent homes;
		(3)  target recruitment efforts to ensure diversity 
among department staff; and
		(4)  develop collaborative partnerships with community 
groups, agencies, faith-based organizations, and other community 
organizations to provide culturally competent services to children 
and families of every race and ethnicity.
	(b)  The Health and Human Services Commission and the 
Department of Family and Protective Services shall analyze data 
regarding child removals and other enforcement actions taken by the 
department during state fiscal years 2004 and 2005.  Based on the 
analysis, the commission and the department shall determine whether 
enforcement actions were disproportionately initiated against any 
racial or ethnic group, in any area of the state, taking into 
account other relevant factors, including poverty, single-parent 
families, young-parent families, and any additional factor 
determined by other research to be statistically correlated with 
child abuse or child neglect.
	(c)  The rate of enforcement actions shall be deemed 
disproportionate for a given racial or ethnic group if it is 
significantly different from the rate of enforcement actions 
against the population as a whole, taking into account other 
relevant factors.
	(d)  Not later than January 1, 2006, the Health and Human 
Services Commission shall report the results of the analysis to the 
lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, 
and the presiding officer of each house and senate standing 
committee having jurisdiction over child protective services.
	(e)  If the results of the analysis indicate that enforcement 
actions are initiated disproportionately against any racial or 
ethnic group, in any area of the state, taking into account other 
relevant factors, the Health and Human Services Commission and 
Department of Family and Protective Services shall:
		(1)  evaluate the policies and procedures the 
department uses in deciding to take enforcement actions to 
determine why racial or ethnic disparities exist;
		(2)  develop and implement a remediation plan to 
prevent racial or ethnic disparities not justified by other 
external factors from affecting the decision to initiate 
enforcement actions; and
		(3)  not later than July 1, 2006, submit a report to the 
lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, 
and the presiding officer of each house and senate standing 
committee having jurisdiction over child protective services that 
			(A)  the evaluation of policies and procedures; 
			(B)  the remediation plan.