Amend CSSB 6 (committee printing) as follows:                                
	(1)  In Article 1 of the bill, in Section 40.010(b), Human 
Resources Code, as added in SECTION 1.67(a) of the bill (page 33, 
line 28), strike "14" and substitute "15".
	(2)  In Article 1 of the bill, at the end of Section 
40.010(b)(3)(D), Human Resources Code, as added in SECTION 1.67(a) 
of the bill (page 33, line 42), strike "and".
	(3)  In Article 1 of the bill, at the end of Section 
40.010(b)(3)(E), Human Resources Code, as added in SECTION 1.67(a) 
of the bill (page 33, line 44), strike the underlined period and 
substitute the following:

;    and                                                                      
			(F)    one member who was formerly a child in 
foster care.                 
	(4)  In Article 1 of the bill, at the end of SECTION 1.117(d) 
of the bill (page 51, line 41), insert "One member of the task force 
must be a person who was formerly a child in foster care.".