Amend CSSB 9 by adding the following new SECTION, 
appropriately numbered, and renumbering subsequent SECTIONs of the 
bill accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Chapter 2, Agriculture Code, is amended by 
adding Section 2.006 to read as follows:
	Sec. 2.006.  POLICY:  INSPECTION STATIONS.  (a)  Protecting 
this state from the intentional or unintentional introduction of 
damaging plant and animal pests and diseases is paramount to the 
interests of the agriculture industry and this state.
	(b)  The department, with the assistance of the Texas Animal 
Health Commission, shall protect this state by ensuring that the 
borders of this state are secure from shipments of potentially 
dangerous plant and animal pests and diseases.
	(c)  In recognition of the key role that plant and animal 
inspections play in proactively protecting this state's borders, 
the department and the Texas Animal Health Commission, under the 
direction of the department, shall carry out joint road station and 
interstate shipment inspections when feasible at strategic points 
throughout this state as determined by the department and the Texas 
Animal Health Commission.