Amend CSSB 24 as follows:                                                    
	1.  In SECTION 8 of the bill, in Section 502.1745, 
Transportation Code (Senate committee report page 7, lines 49-50), 
strike "Department of Public Safety" and substitute "department".
	2.  In SECTION 9 of the bill (Senate committee report page 8, 
lines 3-5), strike "Subsection (g), Section 521.421, and Subsection 
(c), Section 521.422, Transportation Code, as amended by this Act 
	3.  In SECTION 9 of the bill (Senate committee report page 8, 
lines 3-5), strike "may be appropriated to the Texas Department of 
Transportation" and substitute "may be deposited in the state 
highway fund".
	4.  In SECTION 12 of the bill, (Senate committee report page 
8, line 48), strike "June 1, 2006" and substitute "September 1, 