Amend SB 60 on third reading by adding an appropriately 
numbered SECTION to read as follows and by renumbering existing 
SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Subsections (a) and (f), Section 508.146, 
Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
	(a)  An inmate, other than an inmate who is serving a 
sentence of death or life without parole or an inmate who has a 
reportable conviction or adjudication under Chapter 62, Code of 
Criminal Procedure, may be released on medically recommended 
intensive supervision on a date designated by a parole panel 
described by Subsection (e), except that an inmate with an instant 
offense that is an offense described in Section 3g, Article 42.12, 
Code of Criminal Procedure, may only be considered if a medical 
condition of terminal illness or long-term care has been diagnosed, 
		(1)  the Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with 
Medical or Mental Impairments, in cooperation with the Correctional 
Managed Health Care Committee, identifies the inmate as being 
elderly, physically disabled, mentally ill, terminally ill, or 
mentally retarded or having a condition requiring long-term care;
		(2)  the parole panel determines that, based on the 
inmate's condition and a medical evaluation, the inmate does not 
constitute a threat to public safety; and
		(3)  the Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with 
Medical or Mental Impairments, in cooperation with the pardons and 
paroles division, has prepared for the inmate a medically 
recommended intensive supervision plan that requires the inmate to 
submit to electronic monitoring, places the inmate on 
super-intensive supervision, or otherwise ensures appropriate 
supervision of the inmate.
	(f)  An inmate who is not a citizen of the United States, as 
defined by federal law, who is not under a sentence of death or life 
without parole, and who does not have a reportable conviction or 
adjudication under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, or an 
instant offense described in Section 3g, Article 42.12, Code of 
Criminal Procedure, may be released to immigration authorities 
pending deportation on a date designated by a parole panel 
described by Subsection (e) if the parole panel determines that on 
release the inmate would be deported to another country and that the 
inmate does not constitute a threat to public safety in the other 
country or this country and is unlikely to reenter this country 