Amend Floor Amendment No. 1 to SB 333 as follows:                            
	(1)  In SECTION 4 of the proposed floor substitute, at the 
end of amended Section 51.807, Education Code (page 6, between 
lines 14 and 15), insert the following:
	(c)  The Texas Education Agency by rule shall prescribe 
criteria for determining whether a person completed a significant 
portion of any honors, advanced placement, international 
baccalaureate, or college-level dual credit courses available to 
the person at the person's high school for purposes of Section 
	(2)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to 
the proposed floor substitute and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of 
the proposed floor substitute appropriately:
	SECTION __.  Section 51.805(b), Education Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	(b)  The general academic teaching institution, after 
admitting students under Sections 51.803 and 51.804, shall admit 
other applicants for admission as undergraduate students, giving 
priority to those applicants who completed a significant portion of 
any honors, advanced placement, international baccalaureate, or 
college-level dual credit courses available to the applicant at the 
applicant's high school.  It is the intent of the legislature that 
all institutions of higher education pursue academic excellence by 
considering students' academic achievements in decisions related 
to admissions.  Because of changing demographic trends, diversity, 
and population increases in the state, each general academic 
teaching institution shall also consider all of, any of, or a 
combination of the following socioeconomic indicators or factors in 
making first-time freshman admissions decisions:
		(1)  the applicant's academic record;                                         
		(2)  the socioeconomic background of the applicant, 
including the percentage by which the applicant's family is above 
or below any recognized measure of poverty, the applicant's 
household income, and the applicant's parents' level of education;
		(3)  whether the applicant would be the first 
generation of the applicant's family to attend or graduate from an 
institution of higher education;
		(4)  whether the applicant has bilingual proficiency;                         
		(5)  the financial status of the applicant's school 
		(6)  the performance level of the applicant's school as 
determined by the school accountability criteria used by the Texas 
Education Agency;
		(7)  the applicant's responsibilities while attending 
school, including whether the applicant has been employed, whether 
the applicant has helped to raise children, or other similar 
		(8)  the applicant's region of residence;                                     
		(9)  whether the applicant is a resident of a rural or 
urban area or a resident of a central city or suburban area in the 
		(10)  the applicant's performance on standardized 
		(11)  the applicant's performance on standardized tests 
in comparison with that of other students from similar 
socioeconomic backgrounds;
		(12)  whether the applicant attended any school while 
the school was under a court-ordered desegregation plan;
		(13)  the applicant's involvement in community 
		(14)  the applicant's extracurricular activities;                             
		(15)  the applicant's commitment to a particular field 
of study;            
		(16)  the applicant's personal interview;                                     
		(17)  the applicant's admission to a comparable 
accredited out-of-state institution; and
		(18)  any other consideration the institution 
considers necessary to accomplish the institution's stated 
	SECTION __.  The changes in law made by this Act to Section 
51.805(b), Education Code, apply beginning with admissions for the 
2008-2009 academic year.