Amend CSSB 422 in SECTION 1.17 of the bill, in added 
Subchapter J, Chapter 29, Education Code (house committee report), 
as follows:
	(1)  On page 16, strike lines 9-14.                                            
	(2)  On page 16, line 18, after "Subchapter G;", insert "or".    
	(3)  On page 16, line 21, strike "; or" and substitute ".".      
	(4)  On page 16, strike lines 22-23.                                           
	(5)  Strike page 18, line 18, through page 23, line 15.                        
	(6)  On page 23, line 16, strike "Sec. 29.360" and substitute 
"Sec. 29.355".
	(7)  On page 24, line 2, strike "Sec. 29.361" and substitute 
"Sec. 29.356".
	(8)  On page 24, line 8, strike "Sec. 29.362" and substitute 
"Sec. 29.357".
	(9)  On page 24, line 13, strike "or qualifying school".                
	(10)  Strike page 24, line 15, through page 25, line 1.                        
	(11)  On page 25, line 2, strike "Sec. 29.364" and substitute 
"Sec. 29.358".
	(12)  On page 25, line 15, strike "and private".